Asset Finance Quotation System  

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Notional Profit

The Notional Profit is the Net Present Value of the cashflows discounted at the Cost of Funds without taking into account the GST timing. The Notional Profit should be differentiated from the Net Margin which reflects the difference between the Pre-tax Yield and the Cost of Funds.

See also:

GlossaryActuarial Rate of Return (Net Yield)Calculation FunctionsCost of FundsDual Rate of ReturnFinance ComparisonInput Tax Credit (ITC)Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Luxury Car Tax (LCT)Notional ITCNotional ProfitRate PremiumRepayment StructuresTax Loss ExampleTax ShelterVendor Subsidy
Goods and services tax (GST)Luxury car tax (LCT)Luxury Car Tax Rate and Thresholds
Technical Summary
Installation instructions and technical requirements.

User Guide
Explanation of the main user interface features.